
EGGsist at ICI General Annual Meeting 2018

EGGsist has been invited to participate in this remarkable meeting in Tianjin last week, and I was honored to be one of the speakers at the session of Opportunities along the Belt and Road during the 2-day event, which is formed as a multilateral dialogue workshop, where the participants had the chance to meet both international and Chinese panelists worldwide.

During our session, Ms. Alice Di Diego briefly presented current FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in China and the Italian investments in the country, moreover, I gave an overview of the Chinese OFDI (Outward Foreign Direct Investment from China), which generated was over USD 81 billion in Europe, mainly related to M&A. That is to say, a lot of recent operations, in specific in the manufacturing industry, are related to the Made in China 2025 plan, to acquire high-level technology companies overseas.

Besides the general numbers and data, a few case studies of our group have also been successfully presented to give the audience and participants a more unambiguous idea about our core business and corporate value.

EGGsist at ICI general meeting 2018

More than 100 companies have joined the event, from the dynamic start-ups to the state-owned universities; from the IT industry to Biomedicine business, thanks to ICI’s effective networking and organization.

We, fortunately, had some precious chances to talk and discuss with different inspiring companies and individuals, to name a few: EU SME Centre; SinnoLabs, Startup Grind Beijing; Aplus labs; the Delegation of the EU to China and Mongolia Mr. Philippe Vialatte; the president of CNS-National Service Confederation Brazil Mr. Luigi Nese; the Airbus Group Innovation North Asia Director Mr. Pierre Vialettes and many others. ICI plays an important role in guiding the participants to facilitate the resident companies, investors, and clients to enter the Belt and Road markets, ICI has also co-hosted or co-sponsored the workshop of the “China Business Guide”. EGGsist, as a Chinese digital consulting firm with a presence in China, Italy, Hong Kong, and UK, expects to cooperate with different business players worldwide.

EGGsist at ICI general meeting 2018 speakers

For more info about the ICI organization click here: http://www.bjici.net

EGGsist at ICI General Annual Meeting 2018
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