
What does it mean to be born during the Ox year?

The Ox year is coming next week! Here’s just a brief cultural insight. Chinese zodiac signs tell a little about your personality, love, careers, and more. Let’s discover what does it mean to be born during the year of the ox.

If you are born, for example, in 2009, 1997, 1985, 1961, your sign is Ox.

You are honest, and you do not like to be at the center of attention. Besides, oxen feel a great responsibility towards their family. 

You are kind but, you can’t be persuaded very easily. Before taking action, you normally need to plan carefully: that’s why your sign is linked with the concept of success.

Do you recognize yourself in this description?

The Chinese zodiac is fundamental when it comes to communication and marketing, and launching your Chinese New Year related campaign can be your key strategy to increase your brand loyalty.

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What does it mean to be born during the Ox year?
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